Monday, 26 February 2007


Last time I was talking about the way gravity works in cartoons, but another thing that is fascinating is the 'speech baloon'. How did that get started? It's so much a part of our symbol language and a universal device, that everyone knows what it means to have a wee balloon with a pointy bit aiming at someone's mouth. If it looks like a cloud the subject is thinking, not talking. Jagged lines are often from tannoys or radios. And so on. Sorry I am just aimlessly rambling on now. I started by saying everyone knows this and went on to tell it anyway, like 'and here is a woman that needs no introduction...' followed by five minutes of drivel. Here's a cartoon, hope you like it.

Friday, 16 February 2007


One of my favourite things in life, is cartoon physics. Not a total disregard for all the Newtonian Laws, more an acknowledgement that though they might well exist in the real world, there is no reason they have to follow the same boaring path in 'toon land. Who first decided that in a cartoon you only fall off a cliff once you realise you are standing in mid-air? Whoever you are sir or madam, I salute you.

Yes I ran out of time, too busy this week, but since I did most of the work I will publish it anyway. There is a complaints desk if you have a problem with that.

Monday, 12 February 2007

Crash 2

Just messing around with lighting effects, so thought I would add to my last post. Next stop I will be making him in to a stuffed toy. That's a joke. I have no intention of doing anything of the sort. Honest.

Sunday, 11 February 2007


A couple of years ago my kids came across a feature in a comic asking for entries for a new character. The idea was for the kids to do it of course but for fun I designed this character- called 'Crash' (honest). I drew him from memory for my blog and added some sketches in the background to make it look more of a style sheet. Needless to say I didn't let them send in my drawing though not because it would have been cheating- I was afraid it would be rejected as not of a high enough standard. I would never have lived it down!

Tuesday, 6 February 2007


Because sometimes vegetables are just bad!

Or something. I'd love to know the criteria for picking a subject on Illustration Friday 'cause the idea of using 'sprout' as a topic is mince (as we say in Glasgow). But I'd had a long day and was in the mood for doodling so I created this little minx. I don't have a single illustration job on the go at the moment so it's good to keep sharp with this stuff. I'm working on a few photographs for one of my favourite clients (the shopfitters Morris and Spottiswood) and some other bits and pieces, since you ask. In between that I am working on my new house. So today saw a shelf go up in a cupboard. As long as nothing heavier than one stuffed animal is ever put there we should be fine. Hell, I'm an artist darling, not a bloody joiner!

I got a rejection from an agent yesterday too- bloody cheek. 'Despite the very high quality of your work...yadda yadda yadda.' I think I'd rather they came back and said 'I'm not representing you, your stuff is shite!' Well maybe not, even my vast ego has a stretching point.

Has anyone taken the trouble to go and look at my new blog (the link is at the side there) Square Ball it's called and another work of complete genius, that I also haven't found a home for yet. But I will show them all- when I take over the world and everyone is beating a path to my door begging for my work I will laugh in the face of anyone who turned me down. Wa ha ha ha! That'll show them.